The problem with plastics is becoming more evident every day. On Thursday, look around your home and make a quick list of what is made of plastic. It’s likely a lot. And, a lot of that plastic will still be around 100’s or possibly even 1,000’s of years from now. There are alternatives, and although …
This week is the 20th anniversary of Waste Reduction Week in Canada. DYK that locally 10% of our community GHG emissions come from waste? Ready to reduce your waste? From Monday, October 18 to Sunday, October 24, each day has a ‘theme’ selected by #WasteReductionWeek. Read on for how you can take steps this week …
Wondering How You Can Help Pollinators? Native plants have evolved along with native pollinators, and they need each other to thrive. This Pollinator Week, or anytime, consider adding native plants to your yard or garden.
This June, the buzz is about the bees, butterflies, bugs, and birds pollinating plants and what we can do to help protect them. To recognize the important services provided by pollinators, the Severn Sound Environmental Association (SSEA) and the Town of Midland are bringing awareness to National Pollinator Week, happening June 21-27. To kick-off Pollinator …
This year, the Earth Day theme is ‘Restore the Earth’. How can you give back to help our Earth this year? We’ve offered some ideas, but our most important tip is to ‘Make Earth Day Every Day” and remember, be kind.
How are local municipalities responding to climate change? This post features the actions by our partners at the Township of Georgian Bay to build climate resiliency and deliver on their climate change plans.
Town of Midland joins the Bee City Canada program. No-Mow Zones in low-use parklands will create pollinator habitat, reduce costs and GHGs. The Town of Midland has committed to protecting pollinators as a designated Bee City. A Bee City municipality commits to provide pollinator habitat within the municipalities’ boundaries. As part of this commitment, the …
This partnership will increase SSEA’s leadership position as the watershed’s foremost environmental agency. Despite limited resources, SSS has emerged as the local center for collaborative climate change action. In 2018, SSS released the area’s first Local Climate Change Action Plan, and continued this important work by developing six corporate-level climate action plans for Severn Sound …
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Phone: 705.534.7283 x.206